Salted Sunflower Seed Bits

Weight: 250 g


Preis je KG: 27,60 
inkl. gesetzl. MWSt

Artikelnummer: 8680434713558 Kategorien: ,


gesalzene, handgefertigte Sonnenblumen-Kern-Häppchen 

Erlebe lecker-Sonnen-blumiges, das sich fein gesalzen hat. AUF DEN KERN GEBRACHT: Mit 23% Sonnenblumenkernen. Ein Snack, der zu über 30% nur aus Ballaststoffen und Protein besteht. Unsere leckeren Sonnenblumen-Kern-Häppchen werden handgefertigt und mit mit Liebe in Istanbul gebacken.

handmade, tasty salted sunflower seed Bits

Experience a handmade, lightly salted, sun-flowery flavour holiday-trip to “Cool Istanbul”.  With 23% sunflower seeds.  A  delicious snack in which over 30% consists only of fibre and protein. Our delicious, tasty salted sunflower seed bits are handmade and  baked with love in Istanbul and the following Ingredients:  Wheat flour, sunflower seeds (23%), sunflower oil, vegetable oil [vegetable oils (coconut oil, varying amounts of cottonseed oil, canola oil, sunflower oil), water (16%)), salt (0.3% maximum) , emulsifier (sunflower lecithin, mono- and diglycerides of vegetable fatty acids), preservative (potassium sorbate), acidity regulator (citric acid), flavoring.], water, yoghurt, granulated sugar, salt, fresh yeast, baking powder.


İstanbul’ da sevgiyle pişiriliyor. İçindekiler: Buğday unu, ayçekirdeği içi (%23), ayçiçek yağı, bitkisel yağ [bitkisel yağlar (hindistan cevizi yağı, değişen miktarlarda pamuk yağı, kanola yağı, ayçiçek yağı), su (%16),tuz (en fazla %0,3), emülgatör (ayçiçek lesitini, bitkisel yağ asitlerinin mono- ve digliseritleri), koruyucu (potasyum sorbat), asitlik düzenleyici (sitrik asit), aroma verici.], su, yoğurt, toz şeker, tuz, yaş maya, kabartma tozu

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 250 g